Highlighting the First 1000 Days during Nutrition Month in July 2016 aims to create awareness on the importance of proper infant and young child feeding practices, particularly exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months and giving appropriate complementary food after six months while continuing breastfeeding. The celebration also aims to promote collaboration among various stakeholders both at the national and local levels for programs serving families with pregnant mothers and children less than 2 years old. The 2016 Nutrition Month celebration will also serve as a venue for the launching of the Early Childhood Care and Development Intervention Package (ECCD-IP) for the First 1000 Days.
The Marcelans also showed their support to this advocacy in order to promote awareness not only to the students but also to the stakeholders and the community.It started with a parade around the community. IT was followed by an opening program , wherein the students showcased their talents.